EquiBrand Briefs provide practical tips for driving growth.

How The Right Customer Insight Leads to Growth Opportunities in Marketing


There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to opportunities to gather customer insight.

Sometimes, a broad range of perspectives is essential for strategic context when gathering customer insight.

In other cases, however, doing a “deep dive” with a particular segment is necessary.

Broad range or deep dive into your market?

Gaining […]

How The Right Customer Insight Leads to Growth Opportunities in Marketing2023-12-21T13:45:57-07:00

Nurturing Brands: The Role of Marketing Strategy and Brand Management Consultants


An effective brand strategy aims to create a lasting, positive impression, convey a brand’s value, and distinguish an organization from others. Brands go beyond logos and slogans, embodying the essence of a company and fostering emotions, loyalty, and trust among consumers. This critical role has given rise to specialized professionals known as

Nurturing Brands: The Role of Marketing Strategy and Brand Management Consultants2024-03-04T05:29:05-07:00

Leverage What You Know to Develop an Insights-Driven Marketing Plan


How do we begin each client engagement?

Simple: By defining what is known and unknown about the customer, market, and current situation.

Some organizations have a staggering amount of market intelligence. In others, it’s virtually nonexistent. You’d think the more customer research, the better the insight.

Leverage What You Know to Develop an Insights-Driven Marketing Plan2023-12-21T13:48:01-07:00

Stalled Business Growth? Overcome it With A Different Marketing Approach


By studying consumer trends and identifying customer segments, we move next to Concept Optimization REsearch (CORE) to obtain insight on new product solutions, developed using focused ideation and prototyping.

When Business Growth Stalls…

We conducted a study for a client who manufactures baking mixes for pancakes, waffles, cakes, muffins, and […]

Stalled Business Growth? Overcome it With A Different Marketing Approach2023-12-21T08:04:47-07:00

How to Grow Your Business: A Real-Life Case Study



If so, do you make them from scratch, use a mix, or eat the frozen kind? 

Does adding water to the mix constitute baking? How about adding an egg? 

We set out to answer these and other questions for a client looking to grow their […]

How to Grow Your Business: A Real-Life Case Study2023-11-30T15:15:15-07:00

How to Turn Customer Insight Into Customer Action


How do you obtain customer input?

Occasionally, we get calls from potential clients who value customer input, but are unsure how to obtain it.

Maybe you can relate.

“We want to conduct research” is their request. We follow up with probing questions to understand their needs better: To whom do you want to talk, and for what purpose?

Using […]

How to Turn Customer Insight Into Customer Action2023-11-07T03:26:14-07:00

To Improve Your Marketing Strategy, Look Closer, Think Deeper


Struggling to revive your marketing strategy?

The insight principle of upstream marketing may be just what you need to transform it.

What is the insight principle, anyway?

The 1989 drama movie Dead Poets Society gives us a great example:

The late Robin Williams, acting as English teacher John Keating, stands on his desk during one of his lectures and […]

To Improve Your Marketing Strategy, Look Closer, Think Deeper2023-11-07T03:09:03-07:00

Unlock SERIOUS Levels of Growth in Your Marketing Strategy


What do you know about your important customers that your competitors don’t know?

This is the critical question we always ask in our consulting work at EquiBrand.

Here’s the reality: Collecting the same customer information, in the same way as your competitors just won’t cut it. Not in today’s world – and not in the […]

Unlock SERIOUS Levels of Growth in Your Marketing Strategy2024-02-28T20:32:23-07:00

How 3 Types of Marketing Insight Lead to Big Business Growth


What’s an often-overlooked marketing principle?



It’s simple: mainly because it lacks tangibility.

Insight is about evolution, not evaluation.

We know it’s relatively easy to quantify innovation and brand identity strength. Things like new product revenues, market share, stock price, and statistical surveys can be evaluated.

Not so with insight: Deep, proprietary understanding may exist within the minds and file […]

How 3 Types of Marketing Insight Lead to Big Business Growth2024-02-14T11:44:36-07:00

What Top Companies Know About Marketing That You Don’t


Superior insight provides the platform for competitive advantage. Companies with outstanding customer insight usually place a premium on asking – and answering -the right questions of consumers.

How insight impacts business decisions

Often, the clarity this provides leads to counterintuitive business decisions: Competitors head down one path, while the pro-file companies pursue another direction or chart a […]

What Top Companies Know About Marketing That You Don’t2023-09-19T09:11:18-07:00
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